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Елена Весна

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Сообщения опубликованы Елена Весна

  1. Пусть растёт большой smile.gif


    Сегодня на сайте:


    1) немного обновлён дизайн первых страниц сайта:



    к ним также добавлен видеоролик о Проекте ВОСХОЖДЕНИЕ;


    2) полностью переделана англоязычная страница сайта, как по содержанию, так и по контексту:



    3) дополнена страничка ВИДЕОМАТЕРИАЛОВ первой частью видеолекции "ЖИВАЯ ПИЩА ДЛЯ ЖИВЫХ ЛЮДЕЙ":



    4) на страничку о книгах добавлен видеоролик о книгах:



    Code of Honor


    Code of Honor has an important task at the transitional moment of epochs’ change. Code of Honor makes it possible to assert those unshakeable foundations that will become pillars of Spirit for every person. Following them a person firmly asserts their choice to be true to Light, having accepted the moral foundations of the Spiritual world. Talking about Code of Honor it is necessary to remember that a person who agrees and accepts it becomes at this moment a servant of Light.


    All living beings that coexist on the planet Earth have equal rights to fully manifested life.


    Equal rights to life are given by the God-Creator from the beginning of the world creation. Life is given to fulfill the common task of species, genus and individual development regardless of life form.


    Equal rights to life guarantee the right to freedom, to full maintenance of life in the allocated natural habitat.


    The right to freedom guarantees free development that excludes violence, rudeness, aggression and cruelty of one species against the other.


    Changing the attitude to all living beings at the level of human consciousness will enable changes in interspecific personal relationships in living congregations.


    Asserting equal rights of all living beings, you assert, in the first place, the equal rights of Mother-Earth as a Living Being.


    In this case, polluting water bodies, soil, and air, you are selfishly using the whole complex of living substances being in symbiosis. And thus you are causing damage not only to your own physical body but also to the body of Mother-Earth and the whole set of bioenergy constituents of the planet. Or, in other words, polluting and poisoning the space of your habitat, you are polluting the common field of the Mother-Earth planet, including your own biofield.


    All living beings have common links in one common habitat space.


    The ecology of human thought and consciousness is directly connected with the ecology of Earth. And forming the common behavior rules, you should take into consideration the common expression modulus in interspatial relations. Or, all living beings on the planet are bound by common habitat space. And every action has a reflection in the world of energies in complex expression.


    In other words, sowing the wise, the good and the eternal, you receive those qualitative fruits that were put into the seed. Reaping the fruits, you should also take into consideration the qualitative components of the crops. Or, let a sower be an example for a reaper in harvest time.

    In other words, care of all living beings begets aspiration for qualitative changes in all spheres of human existence. A chain is being formed that links many important positive moments in thinking that are holders, pillars of Spirit, that make it possible to effect an ascent at the consciousness level.


    And it is the raising of the consciousness level of humanity that is so expected from you, for one can communicate being approximately at the same level of understanding.


    The raising of the consciousness level will create the basis for global changes on the planet. And this process is starting already. This is a movement forward, to Light, to Divine Source of interminable power. This is a breakthrough that can be made by everyone. And this breakthrough will enable forming behavior ethical norms important on the threshold of a New Epoch coming.


    Teacher Christ


    Dear Friends,

    we will appreciate very much your participation and desire to share and disseminate this message

    and will be grateful to you from the bottom of our hearts.

  3. Уважаемые друзья, приглашаем вас в Центр НОВОСВИТ на мероприятия:


    27 марта 2011 года, в воскресенье


    с 14:00 до 17:00 - занятие по аурографии




    Целостная картина, схема энергетической структуры человека –

    как осознать все процессы соединения?

    Взаимосвязи Дух – душа – тело.

    Определение понятий «Дух» и «душа».

    Практика визуализации строения энергетического поля, его формы и размеров.

    Медитация единения и практика очищения,

    совмещённые с дыхательными практиками.

    Практика выравнивания поля.


    Занятие проводит Елена Весна.



    с 18:00 - практическое занятие





    врач-нейролог, нейро- и психохирург, санавалиолог, валеософ.


    Это первое практическое занятие группы здоровья,

    на котором Виталий Иванович поделиться с вами

    интересными и полезными для здоровья души и тела знаниями

    и своим богатейшим опытом их применения на практике.


    Пожалуйста, предварительно звоните:

    067 348 46 45 – Елена Новосвит

    066 348 47 98, 098 582 09 42 – Руслан Новосвит

    098 42 86 135 – Елена Весна


    Наш адрес: Севастопольская площадь,

    ул. Народного ополчения, д.1, 2 этаж, каб. 213,

    вход с ул. Зеленогорской, возле детского магазина «Соня»,

    рядом с офисом Клуба Органического Земледелия.

  4. В День Рождения Учителю


    user posted image


    Благодарю Тебя, за всё, что Ты делаешь,

    за все Твои Дары, Любовь, Мудрость, Знания,

    за, воистину, Великое Терпение,

    за возможность учиться и трудиться.


    Благодарю Вас, Елена, за Ваше Вдохновенное Служение.


    Пусть всё, что задумано, сбудется.


    user posted image



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