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The new messages of the Teacher Christ.


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Dear international counterparts, dear friends. We wish to present you translated messages from the Teacher Christ and to invite you to our friendly home. We are always happy to receive your feedback, thoughts and questions about what you will read and open any interesting for you topics for the discussion and to get a new, wonderful friend smile.gif


We kindly apologize for the quite close to the text translation and other imperfections. But we are extremely happy to provide alternative translations of some parts and tell you our (sometimes also not perfect or united) understanding of what has been sad.


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You have been given the time for comprehension of many matters, and we can continue our conversation now. I will repeat again, that everything what I do, I do with only one purpose – your development, your constant motion forward. Your thoughts can and should go into the mainstream of new time, and this time implies combination of all the knowledge and its acceptance. And contemplation about mathematics, about numbers could bring you to the important thoughts about the oneness of the Universe. And you will rich this yourself, not because of someone speaking, but because of your activated thought in this direction. I give an impulse, I wish the answers to the question not to be the formal and in the moment of answer you should think personally, using all accumulated data base of the humanity as a platform, your thought is flying from. The impulse is an energy descending for the certain brain fractions activation in order to open your abilities gradually. With the brain micro-fractions activation the changes in the consciousness can take place and the new thinking I always talk about doesn’t arise from nothing, from quicksand, the new thinking will manifest itself in well maintained fertile soils that should be cared, and perfected.


I will repeat once again that the time has come for the human to synthesize all the knowledge, broadening its capabilities with the simultaneous activation of the both brain parts. It will lead to the acceleration of the renewing process and then we will be able to talk in full power. I wish to communicate with a cohort of people who are ready to understand everything right, who can think in the resonant flow of a new time, who have risen to the beyond-religious consciousness level, what will eventually allow to cognize the truth and make a man free.


What freedom I am talking about? About a genuine one . A man, having reached the self-control level, having regained the knowledge of figurative thinking, or work with projections, thoughtforms, rises above all suggested by the system and start working with this world in accordance with the time – controlling all the processes. This is possible with the activation and unblocking of a certain brain parts. It is possible only when human minds are spotlessly clean and correspond with norms and rules of community and lows of the Universe. The purification of a brute karma is mandatory, because otherwise human thoughts can harm this world. The more of your aspirations to the inner workings of various degrees of difficulty involved in the present moment, the more will be opened to you. And this work, being done individually, will give you indispensable experience and opportunity to suppress your brute desires and thus redeem from it. The most important in this moment – is to stop all ego motivation, all what prevents you from acquiring calm and peace inside. For only in the conditions of peace inside you acquire an experience of commensurate acceptance of this world without judgment and sharp lunges.

The world is changing, may be not as fast as you would like it to be, but changes are visible to us. And I will repeat once again – the task has been set at the jewelry level, those processes that are taking place often in a very rigid conditions are similar to the micro-operations where the actions accuracy is important.


At the same time the world fluctuates, there is no energy stability, there is no strength and this hampers all the tasks. It’s impossible to find a solid result in the instability conditions. But the work doesn’t stop, it moves, it continues. And you could possibly desire a different sequence of actions and result, but everything is taking place in accordance with current possibilities in a given period in order not to harm any substance.


Yes, there is a certain result, and it is linked with a choice. The choice has been made, and now it is hard to change its positions.


Work, and you will receive a reward, all in varying degrees.


Teacher Christ


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The question:

Teacher, in the text of January 4, 2013 You talked about the knots in an energy structure and about the importance of its untangling. We realize how important is that and desire to work on our self. In our group there are people who are ready to this work at least on the level of intention. The true level of our readiness is wholly clear to You. I ask You to continue the work with us in this direction.

Thank you.

Denis. 31.01.2013



Lets continue our conversation on this topic. I am ready to talk about serious issues in full, about real work on yourself, but I can-not see the readiness to accept what I can talk about. Not only to accept but also to work hard. I will repeat once again, my goal – is to teach you a lot, but do not offer an easy ways. There will be no easy ways, there will only be a work with diligence, and for this work, the strong, concentrated on desired thought is required. This is firstly work on thought, it is first of all, individual work when you learn to detect much of necessary to you. To do this, you must activate the three higher centers, having provided a harmonious work, conditionally, the bottom four, enter into a state of wholeness, which brings you closer to the harmony. You can enter this state through contemplation and meditation. In this state, you can learn to work through the thought with the help of visualization, and the higher the vibration level, the higher the rate of reaction, the faster you can achieve the desired.

Now I will talk about the practice. Why do I talk now only with those who are ready to listen - only because the full perception and understanding of these texts needs training, and those who passed it, will understand what I am talking about.


Here we begin. Imagine a ball, a sphere. Size matters. Each will imagine a sphere of such a size that will be for him, for his strength. Try to fill this sphere with light. Try to do it in a way (through visualization) so that it shines like the Sun.

Having filled the sphere with the light, imagine this in front of you. Here it is, alive and dynamically rotating. Try to enter it with the thought about purification, the release of all oppressive, imported, obstructing you from remembering and knowing clearly, obstructing you from getting rid of many interferences that do not bear Light.

This sphere – is a small prototype of sun, filled with the new energy in a pure form, new Light of God-Creator. Only this energy is capable to activate all the processes and fulfill all your requests.

You can just enjoy the presence of this sphere next to you. But not only. For those who are ready we will go further. Firstly we will create the protection for one's field through visualization of separation or better to create little layer over the field in the form of protection or with the use of prayer which is close to you.

Now the next stage – the most important moment: try to enter this sphere. Try to feel, what the Gods Light is, which has an extraordinary power. Having entered the sphere, you could see your field in a different way. Sphere will become a displayer of all the rude, what doesn’t combine with its structure. After time, the places in your energy structure that require purification, release or disentanglement will be displayed.

If it is hard to understand and accept all what I am talking about than begin with a small for now. Simply stay in the space of light or next to it, just release readiness for the future actions and own transfiguration. It is important.


There is no need to rush. Evan if you managed to see the places, which require work, do this work thoroughly and only with the inner power available, or in the state of power accumulation, and not otherwise. Evan if you just saw this places, even if you managed to visualize the sphere and drug it in, fill it with the Light – this is the result. But those who will manage to enter the field of Light created by them through dragging in, will begin the work. I will coordinate the process only by your request.


I repeat one more time: ask for help, support and you will receive it.


This is initial actions, and having committed it we will be able to move ahead.


Teacher Christ


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  • 2 weeks later...

Today I would like to answer (to) those who try to direct the thinking of people in the desired for them way. I am talking about those who live with the energies of the past desiring to feed on energies of the future, I am talking about those who do not wish to see clearly and to know about the changes that are taking place. I am talking about those who are afraid of the New Age and all connected to it. And this age has already begun and with no doubt it will bring changes in many spheres of human existence. Being confined on the Earth, on your earthly tasks and problems, this people honoring the teachers themselves, with their angry speeches directed to those they do not understand, close the motion towards the Light as the Centre of the Universe, to the Point, possessing a focused, concentrated Power and Thought that has led everything into motion, having created this world. Speaking about this world I mean the whole Universe an integral part of which you are. You can-not, cut the cake into pieces and forget about their single composition, and having cut the one peace tell that this peace is composed in a different way, that this part is the tastiest.


The world of the Universe is one. And you know the expression “As Above So Below” – the truth and a verity lies behind it. And the truth is enclosed in the fact that the Universe and its worlds are reflected in you, in every one of you, in your world, not the other way. It is here, in this world, with the currently existing concentration a lot is displayed in a curved mirror that you curve yourself, it is a fight for the souls, for this energy filling the souls. Many souls just give away that treasure that had been given to them. They can-not fully distinguish, they didn’t pass this science and thus are easily lured into a trap. Often it is not easy to get out of this trap. The soul is often lose all the received, and if it saves that thin thread that link it to the God, God-Crator, than it can be saved, if not – so for the first time throughout all the history of all civilizations the decision of a soul is considered to be made by her (its) will, and it can be dissolved in the area of gravity.


I am not frightening you, my dear, I just warn you about the necessity for each of you of the thread that will link you to the Sky, to the God-Creator. Exactly to the Sky, not reverse, in the opposite way. For on this thread you will climb (ascent), and this very thread can pull you down, if the gravity vector (direction) is pointed there, where it is very hard to get out, if not impossible. The conditions of the Earths motion to the Light are obtaining a clear borders, and it means that the time when the work is necessary every day has come.


The different worlds are manifested (displayed) in the Space, and its diversity is designed by the Creators. And if you limit yourself from the civilized interaction with the same creatures as you, you will really stay (the) closed system, which is limited in its capabilities.


For the complete comprehension of what I am talking about, you need to go out in the evening and take a close look at the starry sky. Many interesting things you will see there. You will see, that it is alive, pulsing. And the Earths breath is synchronized with the breathing of the planets of your system. And the impulses of the Sun you can catch even in the night. And the myriads of twinkling stars are looking at you. The multidimensional life beyond the planet, exist.


And you think of yourself as an exceptional?


You consider, that only you have been endowed with such capabilities by the Creator? What about the millions of visible to you only from your angle stars? There is no life there, in your opinion? Who has created them and why? Don’t you think that all the mind of the Universe is concentrated only here, on your planet?


Look broader, don’t limit your vision. Rise upon everything that linked to profit (self-interest ) and the desire to rise (command, dominate), look (watch) exactly like brave birds who rich the height. They see everything in a different way, for there, in that layers of atmosphere the air is fresh and the desires are as fresh (the same fresh).


I do not have a goal to rise (elevate myself) or gain a respect, I have the goal to put everything in its place. I do not have a goal to influence you, making dependent, I wish, that you can gain a new knowledge from the primary source that correspond to this time, this moment. And the actual knowledge and its right perception will help you to anticipate the future, that you can determine yourself. I wish you to become the creators of your life, to become free. And it is vitally important in the current time, when much is distinguishing in the level of energy.

Possibly, the task set is difficult, increasingly difficult, but possible. Possibly, that everything should start from the scratch, means from yourself, and it is gradual and not an easy task. But in this period you can either climb up fast along the path of Ascension, or slop down just as quickly, having lost yourself. In order to balance the way, I speak as it seems to you about the same things, but I wish the important parts to become a part of you, that you pass to the level, where the compressed and concentrated talk is possible.


Now we are talking about the diversity of this world. And I would like you to answer me a question, what do you think, the diversity and discontinuity (inhomogeneity) of this world is good or bad? What it gives to you? How to learn to distinguish? What does this science include?

I am addressing those, who managed to draw the line and rise on a high level, this is a level of beyond-religious consciousness, that allow to combine all, having composed the holistic picture of the world.


Teacher Christ


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The transition of the Earth on the higher-frequency vibrations − is a process, coming through only in the dimension of human civilization or it comes through other parallel civilizations as well? If so, how this process influences members (representative) of these civilizations?


Teacher, we are aware of the presence of parallel civilizations on the Earth in different dimensions. The Earth is a home for everybody now, and as far as I understand, it is in the interest of constructively-oriented representatives of these worlds not to let the Earth as a planet to perish, but rather to evolve and transform.


Than is the consolidation and collaboration between members of human civilization and the parallel worlds civilization possible for providing an assistance for the Earth in a transitional period.







The question about mutual help and collaboration with the parallel to the existing civilizations of the Earth. I told that the three parallel civilizations exist on the Earth. I told that you inhabit different frequency corridors and thus seldom touch in this world.


Every civilization has its tasks and goals, but the mutual home is bound you together – the Earth. And the vitally important and necessary to humanity changes can have a minor impact on those who live in parallel world. Why? Just because every world, I repeat again, has its targets, and if for you, for your society, for human civilization it will be the increase of vibrations, it has no significant impact on the parallel worlds for they are already exist in that frequency corridor. In fact, the communication between the parallel worlds and cooperation on the parity basis is currently difficult (problematical). So far they consider you, frankly speaking, to be backward and of little interest for communication. Their objectives have already moved to the higher level, the high-frequency energetic level is normal (inherent) for them and their bodies are wholly adopted to the changes you are only expecting (waiting) for. They desire all the process to speed-up that can fatally impact the mankind destiny.


Why (though) such a different (in their parameters) worlds exist in the same boundaries? I would say that it wasn’t a part of the Creators plan, but the diversity of the different forms was a part of the Idea of the creation of this world. And the fact, that the other Solar system planets members came into this world largely determined the acceleration of the mankind development. One of the worlds possesses a huge database and vast information allowing them to enter your frequency corridor (level) and start (engage into) communication with you. Possessing the knowledge about humans mind they engage into communication only with those who is close to them vibrationally, who are able to help them and understand them. They possess a powerful abilities for psychic energy accumulation, use it for their purposes. Many of so called UFO – is their creation. Namely, they study and explore the mankind, trying to acquire the desired for them energy of a soul. In fact, they break The Law of Free Will, but escape the punishment having the shared area with you, where their life is due to the longer life term than humans have. They conduct the experiments, their target – to obtain, so far illusive for them substance – a soul and its energy. Having a rational mind and many knowledge, they, being in the other frequency range, do not take the energy of love and try to comprehend this mystery. In the current moment, they interact with humans, perhaps even more than it is acceptable, so far you can-not see them.


Another world is also consider themselves to be superior to you in its capabilities, the changes on the Earth are natural and hardly sensible for them, for in their frequency corridor this changes are hardly noticeable. This is workers, which are in the resonance with the planet as the Living Being. They are dedicated to the Earth, and all the changes connected with energetic changes, has no effect on them, on their bodies. They believe, that to the communication with people is possible to come only after the last hearths of anger and aggression in your world are extinguished, when the commandment “You shall not murder” becomes the basis of the life of everyone, as well as the respect to every expressions of life. In this sense, they have achieved rater high level of consciousness and are fully (be) heritage custodians of the Earth. There is a description of these creatures in tales, however sometimes hypertrophied.


For the period, for the humanity is better to think more about own destiny and own development and to know that parallelly existing civilizations on the planet are looking at you and expecting a lot from you.


Teacher Christ


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The question of Maria:


Dear Teacher Christ, undoubtedly, we should have more concerns about our own destiny and own development. But since we are bounded with the parallel worlds by the mutual home – the Earth, we wish to understand a lot –


How is the longer life-term can release parallel worlds from the retribution coming from the violating the Low of Free Will? Which tasks and targets brought this parallel civilization on the higher level having adopted their bodies to the high-frequency energy range?


The enforcement of the Light Flow was assumed by us as the enforcement of the Low Flow, coming from Creator Sabaoth to the Earth. However, how it is possible for the parallel civilizations who do not accept the Energy of Love, who do not have the Gods fraction – a soul, and who brake the Low of Free Will, to experience the enforcement of Love energy in a beneficial way?


Do they have a Spirit and why do they have no soul?


Do the citizens of a parallel civilizations desire the establishment of the Law of The Divine Presence?


Do the members of this civilization follow the commandment “You should not murder”?


Thank you!





At the beginning I would like to talk about important events that drew up your attention, afterwards I will answer the questions.


So, our talk at the beginning will be about the accident that happened recently, about so called Chelyabinsk meteorite.


What was that? Each of you has thought about that. Everyone asked himself this question, and I think the answer to this will be interesting to you.


So what actually happened in the sky above Chelyabinsk and were you really saved?


I will say, that yes, it was another provocation, stopped by those who monitors the Earths peace. Having entered the top atmosphere layers of the Earth, a certain world (I deliberately do not call it, knowing about how categorical judgments are generated) have tried, or have done a desperate attempt, having breached the Laws, to penetrate the Earth boundaries. The Earth area is protected, and I will say that in the current time is protected with a particular thoroughness, and there are those who are scrupulously watch after the rigid observance of the Laws. But knowing about the functioning within the Earth The Law of Free Will, this world tried to shelter behind it using the direction on the big inhabited locality, knowing that in case of their actions suppression it could lead to victims which are unacceptable and will also be considered as the violation of the Law. Their calculation was precise, they understood that the time for the open manifestation of all forces hasn’t yet come and thus their invasion will be perceived as a meteorite. The forces looking after the Laws observation will not dare and above all, will not have time to take a decision and will not be able to openly reveal themselves. In these moments they would manage to penetrate the Earth area and to perform their plan. I should say that their plans are fully stopped. It was necessary to act precisely and calculate everything till the slightest fractions of a second. Possibly, a few seconds were not accounted, possibly it was missed to continue the flight in order not to involve and not to frighten city members, but the possibility of worse consequences, more serious for all the earthlings are obvious to me. The violators received the retribution very fast. And the rigor and charge were displayed in it. The discipline and the strict observation of Lows guarantee the order in the worlds of the Universe, and those who counter act are threatened with annihilation.


Now, about a world which I called a parallel. Now I will call such a period, which time may seem to you unreal, but it was, approximately 25 thousand years ago, and everything occurred in the same way I told before. The descent was landed on the Earth. In that moment there were no fast decision taken what to do with it and they managed to lend on the Earth. The Earth, its atmosphere and the environmental conditions were unacceptable for the life of this highly developed creatures, and their decision to settle here were unexpected, perhaps for themselves as well. They chose this planet knowing that only few of them will be able to survive, but they took the risk. And their descent was committed (took place) in the mountain areas of Asia. Afterwards, they separated into groups and domesticated uninhabited by people territories. Since the beginning they were mentally developed, and in that moment exceeded people in many areas. Their objectives were and are different. They was perishing exactly because of the air consistence, but mainly because of the unexplored and not understood by them energy – the energy of love.


It is relevant to say, that their organization and discipline helped them to survive. They found a solution, having gone underground, having built there, far away from harmful for them solar radiation, underground world, underground civilization which develops even now. They are not free from the retribution, they will just have it after leaving their world. They managed to distinguish and stop the gene of aging and released themselves from weakness, age and short term of life. During the last time their influence on humans life is increasing, for they, for a long time have been studying the human psychic, having managed to use phrases influencing human consciousness. Having their representatives on Earth, they conduct their line of actions on the human consciousness. But you have a choice.


There is a civilized part among them – the highly developed creatures, and also those, who have rough plans towards mankind. There is close look after all their actions and human psychic influence, but we have no right to intervene in the situation directly for there is not bright precedent like chelyadinsk “meteorite”. I should say that those who tried and penetrated the Earth area, having violated the Law, are connected with the parallel existing civilization. Their plans will now be open to us in full, and the retribution for the involved in this action is already taking place.


I will say shortly – yes, they have a Spirit, but the soul is arranged in a different way as well, and thus they search for that what will help them, with all their power, better understand humans. Yes, their dream – is to create some sort of, so to speak, hybrid, mutant human, who possess mind similar to their and sensory capabilities, and also the possibility to dwell in body on the surface of the Earth. So far it is inaccessible for them, and their number is not that great comparatively with human population.


Inhabitants of this world do not wish the implementation of the Law of The Great Presence on the Earth. The commandment “You should not murder” to a grater extend is observed by them. They feed upon often artificial, but sometimes also natural, synthesized from Earth bowels, pellets enclosed, fiery substance.


Teacher Crist


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Dear friends!


I am appealing to those, who are ready for the active work, who wishes the more active changes in themselves. For you, I am preparing a course of the lectures.


How will lectures differ from messages? First of all, their advance preparation, the same as the lecturer- teacher prepares for the lesson, not spontaneously as I am nowadays communicating with you.


What is the difference between the free converse and the one I will suggest to you? Primarily, in the synchronization of our actions, in that, that the learner not just listen to the Teacher, but also tries to understand, grasp what was said. I deliberately asked you the simple questions to understand what kinds of knowledge and activities you need, how quickly you can answer, respond to the questions and of course, how your answers are close to what I expect. Yes, there is a resonant wave, which can be received and understood, but can also just not reach you.


Thinking about the better way to speak, to make it accessible, clear for many and simultaneously broaden your world view and world understanding on a significant level, I have reached the decision to conduct a course of lectures where for the prepared the sense will be incurred, knowledge will be given, the possibility to go ahead will be given, while changing yourself. This, saying frankly, will be opening lecture course which I want to conduct as an introductory. Everything will be transparent there, and if some words will be unfamiliar to you, so I think, that you will get a special pleasure in their comprehension, their meaning and significance.


I have conceived this course as an easy one, but only for those, who understood what were discussed before in the texts of messages. You know the expression LEARNING IS LIGHT, AND IGNORANCE IS …


I wish to give you the knowledge, for this I am exercising such a long preparation. The knowledge could be transmitted only to those, who are ready to learn and who can learn. Yes, it is different.


Let’s try to begin a new course of study, let’s try to study. Why do I say “try”? Only because that I am searching for a sufficient words corresponding with your perception. If in the current period I fund them so the movement will be accelerated, if no, so after the break we will start a new motion. And so forth until the manifestation of the cohort of people who can contemplate, think in a resonant flow accepting the said.


It is important to remember, that the study is compatible with the work, and every work demands a serious attitude.



Teacher Christ


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  • 2 weeks later...

Let's begin our discussion.


What is the introductory course?


You know, when students begin their studies after a vacation in the next class, at first they think about what they have learned previously. And rightly so.


I also want to remind you what I said as a teacher.


First of all, the new time, which can in the shortest possible period to change consciousness, and these changes will lead to a new way of thinking.


I'm talking about this time, in which everyone has the opportunity of purposeful development. And this development is based on the constant desire to improve yourself. And this improvement of all the abilities and skills will help to change this world, having built the future on the human basis of the spiritual world.


The world is moving to this. And in order to speed up the movement and approach to the goal, the knowledge are needed, knowledge not only about what is going on in the world of Earth, but also the knowledge about everything in the Universe.


You may ask, “Why do we need it? We can-not check how genuine these knowledge are, and we can-not know how important they are to us.


Naturally, in order to study, you should trust the teacher. And this trust should be before becoming his pupil. In this regard it is easier for me, I have an opportunity to see and to know the whole picture. I have an opportunity to see the future as well, and to be there. How it is possible? It is hard to understand for you, for the three-dimensional space where you exist doesn’t allow you to see differently.


Yes, you haven’t got explicit material evidence, there is no opportunity to see me as well, for our training is distance. And earn the trust in this case is ultimately difficult. At present, in my communication I rely just on my pupils, whom I trained and who remember me and recognize me vibrationally.


It is also hard to imagine, but imagine a familiar to you person. You know him, he has his unique distinctions in the way of dialogue, communication. Having heard his voice on the phone from distance, you recognize him, remember. Now the same is happening, I have trained people and gave them the keys for recognition. And if they opened this door, so the key known only to them had fit.


All the things in this world are managed by people. And on the strength of those who do, on the direction of their thoughts much depends. The main idea, heard at the beginning of our relationship - and I say, you - the gods, you - best creation of our Father.


In order to understand and accept what I say, you must be free from the oppressive shackles of the past patterns of thinking and raise your eyes up. And then, looking at the world with free look, not turbid with any layering, you will see all things different. Nowadays, I speak about the same – know the truth and it will set you free. And this freedom can be exercised only through beyond-religious consciousness.


What is this?


What am I talking about?


My question is about this, what is beyond-religious consciousness?


What can it give the humanity as a species?


How to save herewith the direction of the soul?



I think, to begin with answer these questions.


Teacher Christ




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Now we continue our communication.


I, first of all, I want to explain why I propose to answer the questions: so that you draw attention to your thoughts, how they have changed, how leaner and fuller they become. Our task, first of all, comes down to learning to think clearly and precisely, expressing in full the Idea I transmit to you.


To say it in different way, the task of a teacher comes down to knowledge transition through the information of different degrees in order to find an appropriate adopted level to make it comprehensible, accessible for pupils acceptance. If a pupil absorbed the initial knowledge, so this knowledge as the energy-information is possible to expand, thus, expanding the energy field borders. So happens the rise of the level of consciousness. And this is exactly the task which set to us – to me as a teacher and to you as the pupils. My task is linked to yours, and as more you know, as more new knowledge in different fields you discover as bigger the volume of your energy field becomes.


But knowledge are different. And you already know it very well. Overflowing with the energy-information of low vibrations does not allow you to receive and comprehend the energy-information of a different order - higher frequency, volume and fullness. In fact, all information sources have the single goal - to connect electorate to their frequencies. In this case, the field is gradually adjusted to the proposed frequency and does not accept the stream on other, higher vibrations. In this case you say the cognitive blockade happens, and this is true.


To lift people out of this frequency corridor − is the hard but feasible talk. And it is feasible only in the case when the humanity itself desire it. And thus, the time for awakening has come. In this time it is possible along the time acceleration the acceleration of all the processes as well. I will repeat, that what can seem impossible, unachievable now can happen rather fast with the acceleration of all the processes. And it depends on you.


We are talking about the interconnections within worlds, we are talking about the place of the human in this world. And in this connection, I have not an easy question for you: what the conscious is?


I said and will repeat until we reach it, we desire your accelerated development, which is connected to the raise of the consciousness level of the majority of the earthlings. What do you understand under this task? What is in your understanding the rise of consciousness?


Teacher Christ


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We are moving to gradual identification of the main Idea, which I as a Teacher must convey to you.


I accepted this service in accordance with the new program of Creator, which was developed throughout the centuries.


And on many stages of choice, we can say selection, I was re-initiated at this service.


Why? Only because, that I did not do everything what I could in that distant times. I wish to convey more precisely and fix a lot. And I have taken this service also because I have knowledge about psyche of people, and in that time, in the time of my embodiment, I searched and found the adequate way of knowledge delivering, otherwise it would not be saved in the memory of humanity, would not come to you. Currently, my task is not less complicated, not less difficult, and again I am searching for the means of conveying the Idea about the renovation of the world, using new terminology, corresponding the time. Currently I am speaking only with those, who are ready to hear and understand everything correct, for now the very essence of the task has changed and we are in the present moment is about saving the forth righteous.


And this salvation is enclosed in the consciousness expansion (it was sad rightly – learn to see everything in volume) and, accordingly, the consciousness rise. This is the main target in order to move along the path, but not the ultimate destination. And thus, the next stage for the rising of the level of consciousness – is the alignment in the slender raw of all the conceptual system. I repeated many times, that the systematization of the spiritual knowledge will lead to many scientific discoveries, systematization, led to the unity, will be able to unite people, that seek development. The systematization of knowledge and the integration of the conceptual system to unity will dissolve the division of people between faithful and unfaithful, for the single Sources of all beings will be discovered.


We must start from this – from the conceptual system, from initial concepts that will form the basis for the education of the next generation.


In connection with the above, I have even more difficult question for you: how consciousness or the level of consciousness is connected with the manifestation of the faith? And what is the fanaticism from the position of a new knowledge?



Teacher Christ


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Today, we will continue our conversation, which will help each of you to rich the understanding of many important, and I would even say key, concepts. This is the foundation, upon which the new building will be built – new vision and world understanding.


In order to build a new building, initially the place is cleared. Afterwards the foundation is laid the new building will stay on, but initially – built. Conceptual system - is the foundation, which was laid during many centuries, and it is the heritage (property) of the human mind, but not only.

Now the time has come, when it is necessary to build a new building, but the very sequence of actions is not to be broken, as well as the profound sense is not to be broken, that is enclosed in every word. This meaning now can be opened by those who are seeking their way and seek for the truth comprehension.


The truth comprehension – this is an important goal in life, in which everything will be put to its places. And this arrangement will lead to the accuracy, accuracy - to clarity, clarity in everything. And this is very important. Important to understand all the processes that are taking place in the universe. And if you hear the question “Why do you need all of this?” – so you can answer in this way: “All the living exist in a single field of the Universe, all is interconnected”. And having realized these connections, you will learn to manage your life. Learn to see multidimensionally, learn to see these links, which are not defined in the present, but surely will manifest in the future. You live in the present, but every second minute link you to the future, and thus you define the future with your actions, your thoughts, in present. One moment – and you are in the nearest future. We have defined the scheme of work for the future, and this is – development, improvement, evolution, ascension.


And in this connection I got a question to you: how do you understand the word DEVELOPMENT?

Why did I put it at the first place? How does it connected with improvement?


Teacher Christ


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We continue our conversation, having read it, you have an opportunity to manifest the level of your understanding of those fundamental concepts I talk about.


We are currently talking about the framework, about the basic knowledge, which are important for the awakening humanity.


You may observe many changes in all spheres of human activities. You can make a breakthrough in your consciousness, having let the new knowledge to have a basic foundation. You may start forming a collective field of consciousness, based on the new, rater, returned concepts in its genuine basis. We are now just clearing the space in order to lay the foundation.


And you will do that, I just give an impulse for the motion, opening the vibration corridor of the new energy flow.


Times change, and it is already visible to you, and this time will allow without victims (what was impossible before) establish, or introduce, a new order, which is connected with the reality where everything will be put to its places, including many distorted truths. All secret will be revealed.


It is important for me as well as for all of you, that the truth will replace lye, that people gain a purity of thought herewith, which will bring them to the unity in love. All not true must be substituted by the information, which is left in the memory, in the informative field of the Universe. And this, figuratively speaking, is like a computer database, where everything happening is captured not on the verbal, but on the energetic level. Such information can be deciphered, or as you say, unzip. And then, when you learn to do that, nobody will be able to mislead you, you will become free, for you will get an access to the pure flow of an energy-information, which is impossible to distort.


Now I have another question to you – what the energy-information is and what is the energy-information flow? How do you see it?


Teacher Christ


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All reflections on a given topics allow you to identify the questions and to search answers independently, to compare, to think, to feel and to sense. Now you can use in full in your answers impressions, appeared during the meditation and visualization. I urge you to do this, for it is then, when you rich the excellence in these practices, you will be able to model the future. And this is the one of the main goals, which will help you to come out of the situation by replacing, but initially displacement of the energies of past, or waste energies, by the energies of the future.


The energies of the past are firmly holding this world, and while they are distorted, then with the same path the humanity is moving towards the goal. The energies of the past are firmly holding the human consciousness in the necessary to them point, and the motion takes place in the opposite direction. You have come here namely for this – for changing the trajectory of thought motion from the past to the future, and not vice versa, for the detection of the genuine goals of life, for the union of the light forces who have the single goal.


This is a complicated task, and the core difficulty is that communication is possible only with the awakened humanity, or with those, who have ears to hear, with those, who consciously treat themselves and the choice of their way and kindly treat similar searchers, wherever in their way they are.


The union of the Light Forces will take place in the future, and for now you prepare a ground for this, you are creating a platform, you are building the basis for the new faith, which will be free from the slavery and oppressions of souls. The new faith will arise in fair and strong souls, and like in the past times, the first to hear and understand the gospel will be prepared souls.

Every idea has a source, and it is very important to detect its basis, gist.


And with relation to the above, I got a question to you: what do you understand under the word IDEA?

Do you bring out the main IDEA in the spoken lines?


Teacher Christ


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Thank you Teacher and Yelena,

thank you Sergey for your hard work with translations!


what do you understand under the word IDEA?
At the moment I understand 2 meanings of the word IDEA :

- prinсipal, key thought

- vision of the desired future

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very interesting, Aquarius. Thank you friends! smile.gif


And for me idea is...


A complex of finished energy-information that covers a particular area of being.

In order to grasp this complex of energy-information (idea), the basis for this new information should exist. For this reason, if there is no proper basis of energy-information in consciousness, the additional energy-information is required to create this basis, then the realization of an idea may occur in full.


Thank you Aquarius for encouraging the beginning of answers in English! Very good idea!

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Thoughts and feelings they cause. I see, that this topic is close to you, you learn to combine together – into one flow – thoughts and feelings. And if this is achieved, you not only accept the information, but also feel it. In this way, your hidden possibilities open up, and you learn to commensurate all sad with that, what a soul feels and knows. It is an important process, and it leads to the more profound learning. In this way you pass the school, where the main subject – is the science of distinguishing. And the attainment of this science will give you a lot – first of all, the synchronicity of your actions with the due program of your development, which is composed before the embodiment to this world. Your actions, which precisely determine the predestined path, relieve you from so called karma – that is from those actions, which make you work long and hard on your mistakes. These actions define the life, enmeshed, figuratively speaking, with nodes, these links prevent the soul from feeling this world in full and to follow its way.


Now the time has come, when the release is possible, and it happens in the accelerated pace. The new energies contribute to this, they are able to burn through (again, figuratively speaking) ancestral terrestrial links, opening the space program of the Spirit. Now it is possible. And in order for this to come true, you’ve started the work on yourself, you work, cleaning your thoughts, words and bringing your actions to the higher spiritual program. It is hard but important job, and due to this the ray of Light will become ever more powerful, lighting the dark kingdom, dissolving all untrue, all requiring the dissolvent.


I repeat once again, that I encourage you to work, to the important individual work, where we do not expect the result tomorrow, at the time the deep purification is connected with the transformation, with the process which forms a new individual, and in general a new cohort of people. The new race of free people is coming – and it is to these people designed a program developed by us for many centuries. This is a program for development, for the powerful move ahead, for the evolution processes in consciousness, where much of knowledge will open to you.


And now the next question: what do you think about the word UNITY? How can we come to the UNITY with such a diversity of forms, ideas and points of view? What can serve as a motive for the union? Why do I insist on the union?


Teacher Christ



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Love you, Guys!!! smile.gif But will not express too much here =D


Ok, how can I answer this question (or translate my first answer to a certain extend =)


I think, that the Unity – is oneness, oneness in something. It doesn’t mean that one in something should be absolutely identical in everything – no. But having a common feature it is possible to unite upon it. While there are many forms, ideas and thoughts, there is something common in all of us, that is the reason of our existence, something we are a part of - the Source. This Source has a purpose, a vector of the motion - the development. Development is something shared among all the forces of the creation, irrespectively of their Creator. So being a part of the whole, we may unite upon it.


The motive could be the achievement of the synergy, when together we may achieve more comparing to, if we were acting separately, using the same amount of energy. Our dear Teacher insists on the union because together we will achieve our target faster than separately and it is an important part of the target itself and inevitable stage to the great global changes. It will be easier to act together, coordinating our actions with other people of good will.

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Thank you, Yelena and Teacher.

Thahk you, Sergey, for your translation!

what do you think about the word UNITY?
I understand the word UNITY as solidarity, integrity.

How can we come to the UNITY with such a diversity of forms, ideas and points of view?
We should have one goal, aim, purpose, one common idea.

What can serve as a motive for the union?
The common image of our bright future, everyone's place in it and the desire to make this vision become true.

Why do I insist on the union?
Because only together we can bring this bright vision of the future to become the reality through a mutual aspiration, visualization, service. This is possible only through the unity.
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