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The new messages of the Teacher Christ.


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About the situation that has developed. I have to stop the work for I must give you, in the most correct form, explanations about everything happening. And what is happening? – you may ask, and I will answer: a lot.


We will be talking about the situation on an energetic level. What do you feel? For me it is important, that you learn to feel and be able to explain your feelings, with the use of a new knowledge. It is difficult, but it is important, for you have a goal – the development of yourself and of this world, and it means, that you may define everything yourself correct, and then you will be able to move from the category of pupils into workers, attendants. And in this case you are already capable to define everything correct, giving the assessment, putting everything into places. You are learning it, and your education has happened in the hard time, when the energetic balance of the planet is not achieved, when the outbreaks of anger and aggression shake the planet. You may think, that it has always been like that, that nonhumans have always wield here and tried to shift the programs of Light. At the one hand – it is true, at the other – it is not. Now there is a struggle for the souls, and it has the maximum momentum in the current period.



Imagine yourself a room that is tightly closed, the amount of air inside is limited, but there are those, who can hold a channel of Light even under those conditions and receive help, but there are also those, who have the difficulty breathing. What the last do? Feeling their agony, they do not stop before anything, they ruin souls from despair. And it is useless victims. The world will release in some time from the creatures that have lost their souls, from those, who aim by all means to find an access to the energy of life, forgetting about the main thing – about the retribution for the breaching of the commandments.


You may seem, that the retribution is delayed, you may think, that the impunity flourish here, but as longer the term the retribution is delayed with as fuller it will be, as precise the justice will be. Believe me, it is impossible to cheat or to escape the Divine Judgment for anybody. And the retribution is delayed only with the condition of putting off the sentence, but the sentence is always fair and precise, for the Higher Judge is impregnable.


I am not trying to intimidate you or to disturb your peace, I am trying to talk about the laws of the world of energies.


Everything flows, everything changes, but The Laws of The Universe are held on an unshakable basis, what holds everything in the Eternity.


Year of the Snake, which you marked like that - is a year of temptations. It is true, but it is also a year of manifested firmness of the Spirit and the unshakable faith. The winds are blowing, which can violate a lot – a lot, but not the basis of the souls. The temptations should make you stronger, and in order for this to happen, find yourself an important phrase, which could be identified as the motto. This phrase will comprise your goal, your aspiration to go ahead, your path.


Write it in a place, where you, in the moment of temptations and worries could instantly see it. Let this phrase lead you to the Light, let it give you a reliance in the relevant moment. Rely upon it, and remember about the main. Remember, what you came to this world for.


Now the time is difficult, very difficult, for the fight is sharpened, but the main difficulty is ahead. Imagine, that you are ascending the mountain, your motion is slowed, but you still move. In the one of the important points you feel the prostration. What will you do? Start the descent downwards or will still overcome this site?


Much depends on you. We only observe, but this observation, when it is impossible to help and to save, make us feel worries about you. Believe us, we worry about you, we wish to accelerate all the process, but the steering wheel is in your hands, and thus much depends on you.


This year could be called the catalyst. This year – is a year of replacement. I hope, that you will manage to fulfill the main goal – to put everything to its places and to save yourself. Remember, that whatever hard the way is, the most important – is to follow it and to go ahead, irrespectively of any difficulties.


Teacher Christ


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Now, the involuntary rest time has gone. And we can get to work again.


First of all, I want to bring some summarize. So far we have done very little, but this judgment is from my positions, but from yours – there is a movement, let it be with the slow pace so far, but the motion in this pace is justified by the time. We are moving towards the goal, which is clearly visible by me, but very vaguely visible by you. Thus, there is some incomprehension or better to say miscomprehension of the certain issues.


I talked and now repeat: the new, young wine is not to be poured into the old wineskins. Of course, this expression says that everything, absolutely everything should have a modified – a new – form. It is necessary to start the motion from the beginning to find a way that has been lost.


And this way is ascension, and it means, that it is the most difficult way, and it leads up. The one who conquered the peaks, knows about the difficulties of such a way, knows, that in such a direction all the hidden and secret of a human soul is manifested. Here all the human qualities are manifested in full. But there will be those who will reach the peak, and there, from the heights, the marvelous picture will be open to them, that will be a present to those who had demonstrated diligence, will and faith and finally managed to reach the goal.


I urge you to the hard work, the work, which will open a lot laid in you, the work, that will help the metamorphosis, the transformation of a soul to occur, and something that was only anticipated will open and become visible.


I don’t want to bode you a lot, to promise, but I still can say that you will receive more than you anticipate. And there will be a reward, and there will be an achievements and a lot will occur only as the result of a tremendous work of everyone. This is your inner work that leads to the work in this world. It leads to the goal. And let everyone who has already moved in a way to overpower this way! I wish you the main – the achievement of the life’s goal and the liberation. And let everyone decide for itself, from what.


In the meantime, we are slowly, brick by brick, building a figurative construction - building, where all of your world outlook, world view is accommodated.


Try to imagine – how does this building looks like? What is its shape?


How do you see, how quickly or at what rate, is your inner work going, and whether it is going at all?


What is stopping you?


What do you need a help with?


Where does your attention pointed at in the present moment?



Teacher Christ



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A work is assessed by the results, and these results are not always visible instantly. Often the visible is different to reality. The world of matter creates this illusion which puts its priorities to the first place. We can help only in the case when the precise motivation for our actions exists. Namely in this case the help comes on time.


I am talking about actions, which are necessary and decisive for each of you. I have spoken about the release. I think there are those who understood correctly what it is all about. It is necessary to change, or better to say to modify the inner shape of the energy structure, which will be filled with the new energy-information.


For a start of this work I recommend to conduct the practice of visualization. We are building an inner temple. You all know, how and from which point the construction begins. At the beginning the material from which to construct a building is necessary. Afterwards it is necessary to clear the space and to create the foundation. The foundation – is a basis, which brings strength, reliability to a new building.


I suggested you to create a project of a new building – your inner temple. And it would be very good if it was precisely correct and clear. The inner temple is given to build to you in this moment. And you are currently approaching to this work.


How prepared are you for this, will be defined by the time. But the most important is to understand that now every human is important who has managed to conduct this deep work inside, who knows what to do and does it.


Namely this is what I am aiming for – the awareness in everything.


To build a new temple of an absolutely new formation appeared to be difficult. The very thought about this work have caused difficulties. And thus you may understand the level of uneasiness of this work, how much it is directed to the future.


I know about your abilities, I know also that in many of you it is not disclosed. I want to say yet, but you determine parameters of your development yourself. If you determine that it is possible and important, so be it.


Carry out a meditation wherein try to see what I am trying to tell you. Try to see your inner temple.


In what condition is it currently?


How clear/visible is the project itself?


Has the construction started or only the preparation is taking place?


It is important to remember about the goal, and whatever happens, to hold the state of faith which in many situations will be a lifebuoy for many. And if your faith is yet like a mustard seed, remember that from this small seed a strong plant can be grown.


Teacher Christ



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  • 3 weeks later...

I thank all for the sincere answers, for the desire to work, to change much inside of you, releasing from the oppressing energies, fears and false connections.


We have approached the moment when I want to change our work and to direct it larger into the practical channel.


The world is changing, and you see it, and what now seem to be intractable and difficult, can find a precise solution and come true in the accelerated path. And thus we need to keep pace with the rapidly changing time, and it means, that the construction should be started for those who have set himself this task and to continue with the new energy to those who have already engaged in this.



Let’s talk today about the inner temple.

Inside of us the Kingdom of Heaven! (I say us, because namely at the level of energy structure we can find similarities – compliance and likeness.)


So, what is enclosed in this phrase? The inner temple is possible to build in the image and likeness of the Kingdom of Heaven, or the Spiritual world.


And you know, what the fractal is as a mathematic, geometric notion, and thus you understand what the self-similarity is and how in a small volume all the components and parts of a big can be enclosed, at the level of likeness of all the figure entirely.


And if we talk about the inner temple so of course initially the image appears. And everyone will have his own. And everyone can manifest it in his way, but the general model is still should be one.


The temple from the crystal clear elements. What do you think, is it beautiful?

The crystalline temple with the transparent but very firm basis.

The firmness – is the main condition for protection of your property, your inner world. And your inner world – the filling of the temple – is necessary to protect.


What does it mean? It means that the purity and transparency of the “temple’s” walls provide an opportunity of filling with the Light, but not only, it gives an opportunity to light up your inner light and to shine yourself.

I have told and will repeat now: you are the Light of the world!

And it means that there are those, who have managed to light up their inner light from the Great Source of Life. Namely from this moment the program “you are Gods” starts opening, or developing (opening of the spiral).

I talk now for those who have ears to hear.


Initially it is necessary to clear the space for construction, or for those, who already feel the carcass inside, the basis, and perhaps the “walls” of the building itself, to clear these “walls”.


You are accumulating, or learning to accumulate the Light not only to use it wholly to yourself, but also to learn shining – to receive the Light as a fuel for your inner light. I am trying to tell you important things, trying to find the words to open you the meaning of my thought.


I repeat once again: you are building a temple, which is the image of the Kingdom of Heaven. Recall the structure of the Universe. There is a Core, the Centre, after the enlargement follows – the layers, and every layer is wider, larger in volume, but of lower frequency.

It is like the floors of a building: every floor is higher, and in order to rich it, it is necessary to make efforts.


The inner temple can be a temple of Light – made by the crystal clear material, which can not only accumulate the Light, but to ray it as well. And from the moment when the inner “walls” are purified and the lamp will light, a human switches to a new level of interactions with the world – he steps on a way of ascension, the way of giving, he becomes an attendant.


It is impossible in a different way, for if not to clear the inner surfaces from the contaminations, the “soot” and many more, than the lit light will not be visible by all to whom it intended. And a human even considering himself as a spiritual one or striving for the development may all the life to sit out in the sooty walls. But having cleared it, sometimes through the effort-demanding, hard work, a human learns to lightly and to purely give and to be alike the Sun.


The shape is important, the volume is important, but the most important in your temple is a centre or the altar, where each of you should strive for lighting up the fire from the Great Source, that gives the Light to this world.


I suggest you to start the work – to take a broom and to clean, clean until the perfection, freeing the space of your temple from all that obstruct the Light penetration, and to invite the Light into this pure place, visualizing how the light penetrates with its rays in you and fill with the flow of Light. The Light will also help you to clean the inner surfaces from the layering.


I wish the work to be successful, that you manage to define everything correct and most important that you learn to shy, having found the precise place for the altar. It is important.


Where do you see the place for the altar and what is its role in your inner temple?


Teacher Christ


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Teаcher and Yelena, thank you for this message!

Sergey, thank you for the great translation work that you do!


My temple is under construction. At this the moment I do not clearly see the shape of it, but I know that the construction material is the Light =)

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  • 4 weeks later...

The time has come to continue our conversation.

What will it be about? Of course, again and again I will talk about the work, because our great target that is justified by the time and conditions is the renovation, that is our goal is to do a maximum amount of work.


You are aware, that I brought the new teaching to the Earth. What is its novelty? First of all, that in the main postulates that was openly uttered by me, the power of love was manifested, and namely the love as a great power was put to the first place.


“Love one another” – these words are the key in my teaching.


And these words were manifesting the essence of that new, that was coming into this world.

The Energy of Love had to supersede the used, rough energies of the past. The Energy of Love gave people the breadth and depth of perception. It penetrated the souls of people and begun to conduct a work. But the main accumulators of this energy was my disciples, it is them I tried to convey the greatest quantity of postulates upon which my teaching could be developed. I gave them what was the basis, or, figuratively speaking, I gathered all the teaching that was given to me and realized by me, into the point it was unfolding from.


It was a point of development, the enlargement occurred there, all what you know as a Christian ideology came out of it. At the beginning the teaching existed as a certain cluster of energies, which was enlarging due to understanding and realization by the listeners. And the more it was those who took it, the bigger, wider, deeper the energetic inclusion was becoming, which formed a covering, or the egregore.


You have come into the point of enlargement, and now from this point the development, the deployment of new energies will take place. It can be done only by people and only by their free will.


You have managed to do it, and thus we thank you for your help.


<Why the new point couldn’t be created? It was possible to do it, but the previous point was active and it had to be simply…>


Perhaps, I talk incomprehensibly, possibly, there are already those who will understand what it is about. I talk about the work, which will always be important and necessary, which is still waiting for us, to which we are all striving and which inspires us to the feats. While fulfilling the work, a man feels his necessity. While seeing the result, feels its importance.


I thank you for the efforts, for the work, for the desire to act. Trust me, the current situation is not much different to that difficult task that was set in the previous centuries.


But walk and ye shall reach.


Do, go ahead!


Map out a plan, and the more precise it will be, the bigger the help will be.


Remember, that the world is on the threshold of change, but the threshold should be stepped over.


And for doing it, the efforts are necessary. We are moving towards this overcoming.

We work, and it is important. And now my teaching will be cleaned from all superficial, from all fanatical, what constrained the motion ahead.


And the purified expressions of the teaching of Love will reestablish in full power the channel of The Creator, and the old truths will renew and shy under the rays of the Sun.


And now I wish to ask you a question: where do you feel the point of enlargement?


Teacher Christ



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  • 2 months later...

Our discussion today will be built on the main points, the moments that define a new era. Hence, there are main features of a new time and you can define it yourself. I, from my perspective, will share my vision with you.


A new era, the beginning of new era. Why in those early years the new time count begun?


The new time calculation begun with the moment when the energies of The Creator of Love came into force. My birth was due to this. Figuratively speaking, it could be imaged like this. The space, filled with, let’s say blue, light blue or a homogeneous in its tone light. And suddenly there is a ray that brings its colour range into this space. The space changes, transforms, for this ray has a rainbow spectrum inside of it. It illuminates the space, at the beginning timidly and cautiously, and then it broaden and the variety of rays appear. I have tried to manifest you a figurative picture of a new energy penetrating the area of Earth. And this ray can change the space, change the thinking of those who live in it. In order to do it, the human is necessary that would be born in a ray. What does it mean? It means hat such a human, like a monad, like a soul has come here in a flow or through the ray of new energy. It is rather hard to accomplish. To bring the soul in a ray of new energies – is a difficult task, but in that moment it could be said that we managed it. This important moment has outlined the beginning of a new era, the beginning of a new time calculation, for one timid ray has broke through into the area of Earth, bringing the good news of Transformation.


Now, the similar moment has come. There was a prediction about it in the Scripture. A new era has come to the Earth, the era of Transformation. And what was not accomplished in that time in full will be accomplished now. Now, we will not allow that mistakes that let the Earth to the rough transformations and to the distraction of the Ray of Light. The Creator of Love is now the ruler of the Earth, the ruler kind and loyal. And now the Earth is given a great right to administer its own destiny. And it is rightly, for she, as a planet, has her own vision, has its wisdom, she has a right to chose and to manifest her higher qualities. She deserves a better fate. And she considers all the livings as her children and is very correct in her decisions. There are moments, when the emotions of the Planet come into touch with the emotions of the Spirits of Elements. Then you can see the cataclysms, that brig the destruction. It happens because of the overlap, or the combination of the two energies. These energies bring whirlwinds, tornadoes, tsunami. All this is related with he bursts of emotions. But the older the planet, the more judicious and calm she becomes, the more she tries to control her emotions, taking into account the experience and consequences of not controlling.


Now, the planet has thought into a reverie about many things. Now it is possible to hear her voice and the most important, to contact her. I told you before and will repeat now that the appeal to the Earth, or the prayer to the Earth – is an inalienable part of your daily practices. The gratitude and respect to this Toiler, that has managed to save all the priceless treasures that came here. She has managed to save many kinds of life species, giving them food of life and the ability to live, to dwell in this area.


You can change your thinking, having recognised your planet as alive. You can change your attitude to her, communicating with her in a new way. She will certainly respond. She will certainly give you a sign and you will feel that you live on an alive planet in a new space, the alive and pulsing. In such a space all flesh is united with the single thought about happiness in a blessed gust to know it. The most important – to remember about it, to remember, that you are – those who are called to be masters of their own life, while defining a lot at the higher level or at the level of creative energy. The human of a new era, new time, will be able to form a space of his dwelling through a thought, for the new energies will have the power of transformation, transfiguration.


You will recall the words of a song that was popular in recent times: “We were born to make the fairy tale come true…” These words are very accurate, they define the main positions of a new time when every human that defined and changed a lot in himself is becoming to be one who can actively and fruitfully think. Perhaps, so far it is not clear what I am talking about, but the new energies, those that define these possibilities are already flowing to Earth. And if at the beginning when I began my communication it was a tiny ray that was making its way here, so now it is already a flow. It hasn’t rich its maximum power, but it has entered the space with this opportunity at the end of December 2012. The ray has doubled, then tripled, and it will further be increasing its power.


All synchronous with the processes occurring on the planet and in the Universe. It has been managed to synchronise the flow, to tune it to the vibrations of the Universe. And therefore a new era brings you the new knowledge, science. And the teaching of it is already happening. And of course it is important to raise the attention to children – they are the future, and they (their major part) are adapted to a new flow. You are, the adult people, are given a human chance to change a lot in yourself, in order to also bring yourself to adaptation to the new energies. The time for it is allotted. It is launched in a new pace. And it is important to feel it. It is important to take off from yourself the untrue garments of previous misconceptions and to put on the luminous clothing of a new knowledge.


The acceleration of time will allow you to change faster.


The past will be opened to you, to everyone, upon request and readiness to accept the answer.

Be ready to accept more than before. Be read for changes.


And so be the peace and prosperity on the planet!

So be it!

Teacher Christ



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  • 2 weeks later...

Now, the time is coming that will define the beginning of our new actions. And these actions will be bound to new knowledge. You had been given the time for comprehension of what was said before and this time was given to many of you as the individual and practical work. How did you manage it – judge by yourself based upon the changes that take place in your life. How much more harmonious was your experience of the world? Can you overcome the barrier of disbelieve and helplessness and to step boldly into the future that will be built on new principles? The answer is yours.


And I will tell you in this way: the changes that are taking place in the world have the direction and are controlled from above. Something that may cause damage to the program of the future – is being stopped. What may lead to consequences unwholesome – is being disconnected. And if you remember your feeling of the world in 2000 and simultaneously recall yourself in it, you will feel the difference. The gates are open, but it doesn’t mean that the enemy army can enter these gates. The enter and exit are controlled and the parameters of the entrance are slowly changing.


If you define your objectives for the future academic year, we will be able to resolve it. The session, as it is established between you, will begin in September. I will try my best to teach in a way to maximally disclose your abilities. And each has his own. Each has his own potential, and the real teacher should find a way to each soul, for the education is happening with the soul, not with the emotional body. I will appeal to your souls, I will seek to find the approach to each soul, for the soul – is the ultimate carrier of the accumulated terrestrial treasures. She can distinguish the righteous from the sin. But who will allow her to do it?


I will try to speak about not understood, about not noticed, about something that I consider important and necessary in the current time period. You will be able to make a step and to lift yourself higher, to see clearer and better, to think faster and more precisely transfer your thoughts. The thought will become the driving force in our education.


Back in those distant years, I managed to give to my disciples the secret knowledge, that give a push for the manifestation of divinehuman in everyone. I also gave the keys for knowledge, and these keys allowed to keep the heritage that was given from the heavens. The power of Love is great, and it allowed to dissolve the darkness of ignorance to open a way to the Light. And the knowledge – is the Light that can shine in every good soul. Namely, this is what I am striving to – that you become the Light for this world, that you could see the holistic picture of what is happening, learn to distinguish, to separate grains from tares, to release from the fake fears, that bring the limitations in everything, and eventually to become free, having forgotten about the slavery as the humiliating condition of the will suppression.


You are born in the space, where the Laws of Universe operate, where the Law of Free Will is functioning, the unique Law of this planet. Explore it entirely, using for good. And if all your actions you will harmonize with the motto of the servants of the Universe, namely – for the good of the Earth, humanity and the Universe, then without doubts you will do the necessary and important work. The main thing – is a hard work, dedication and honesty. Honesty in everything. Do not wait until you will be brought to justice after the transition to the other world. Become the most rigorous judge for yourself and in this way define your actions.


Each of you has a chance to release through repentance, through the inner work of understanding the offence. Be attentive to yourself, to your actions and ask yourself a question frequently: from which positions I acted? What dominated in me – the heart or the mind? To what consequences have my thoughts, words, actions led to? Define your place in the given situation, your role and the influence on the consequences. It is important to be honest with yourself, important not to excuse yourself but to listen to the strict voice of a soul.

Bring yourself to humiliation, but not to the passive state of fatality - but to the state of acceptance, which ensures peace and calm, in which the truth will be disclosed. Multidimensional links open not straight away. For such a vision it is important to acquire stability and only in this condition one can comprehend the knowledge. Now a lot is given to you, now you are given the chance to release. And the new people, the people of a new time, will pass into the Gates of the future, which will link them to the Light. The transformation will be visible and sensible.


And so be it!


In the meantime, I am waiting for our joint work to bring the ripe fruits.


Teacher Christ



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We begin our new communication. Why new? Because I hope and see that cohort of people, who has accepted a lot from what was said by me and managed to identify the main positions in their life, managed to identify the main targets that will be able to make a fully fledged life, removing all not genuine and empty.


I appeal to all, but mainly to this small, but very important to me cohort. I rely on these people, as relied earlier on my disciples, who have managed to save the heritage that was given to them, managed not to spill the cup, which was filled with the drink from heavenly areas. I relied on those who has managed, now I rely on the same and for the same. I rely on those, who remember me and know me. They are impossible to be stopped or frighten, the memory of Spirit works in them, and they, having acquired power, will manage a lot. I believe so.


And thus, I talk with those, who consider me as a teacher, who recognize my methods and ways of teaching. It is important, that the disciple respects the teacher and that this respect would be based on trust, where in the root of the word the truth is enclosed. The root of this word is connected to faith. Remember, that with no unfair methods and also exhortations and intimidations is possible to make a man believing in something. For the faith – is a foundation, it is something that brings strength to the building, this is the part without which the whole structure quickly weakens, this is the basis. And whatever beautiful or arty-crafty the very building may seem, it will not last for ages without basis. It is possible to build castles from the sand but any wind will be able to destroy it. But it is difficult to cause harm to the building that has the strong foundation, the foundation that is formed by our infinite connection with the Source of Light. This is the most important thought, this is something I communicate for. I wish to bring you back the Light, to fill your life with it, the true Light from the Source, not the artificial or the one that hardly makes its way through the dark domes.


What it is possible to substitute the Sunlight with, and is it possible to do it at all? The Sunlight gives you the life, and this light comes to you in the required quantity and quality. Enough even slightly change the location of the star – and what will happen to the Earth?


Remember, your life is sacred to us, we care about you. We wish that you, while developing, would constantly move forward and then our meeting will be predetermined. We meet again, and everything will fall into place. But for this, you need to work, for this you need to learn a lot. For this you need to grasp the meaning of the word “humane”, while cognizing your abilities.


I know, what a human can in potential, as a teacher knows what can achieve a pupil of a first grade when he reach the graduation class, but I will not draw you a rosy pictures, anticipating events. I want you to discover all your abilities yourself, that you receive the remunerations, everyone his own. And for everyone it would be as a gift for the work, as a reward for diligence.


The pupil who wishes to study, does he think about the remuneration? No, he has the interest as the driving force and constantly moves ahead, finding the answers to his questions through his own diligence. And each of you can define your new point of reference, the new goal, that he can set to him for this year. And this target will help us to assist in the achievement of a goal.


Now, the first lesson. We talked about the visualization, we talked about creative thinking. It needs to be developed, for it will be predominated in the new millennium, it will help us in everything. Now, try to close your eyes and to see the Light. Feel, that the flow of Light comes to you, while calling for it.


Can you feel it? If yes, so how do you see it? How does the flow contact you?

If you see and feel the Light flow, so try to visualize something you want to achieve in this ray. If possible, imagine a way, or the path, for the achievement of the desired.

How much your plans are in resonance with the general idea of renovation? How deep are they?

I recommend to conduct this meditation several times for improvement of the quality of visualization and more precise definition of the desired. Your wishes, and also wishes to me, will be visible and readable not on the verbal level. We will talk about the important objectives in the future.


Teacher Christ




[in Russian language the root of word ‘trust’ is the same with the word ‘faith’]


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  • 4 weeks later...

Now, we begin the new stage, the new work that will begin with those who are aimed at it, those who are ready. But the education at the level that I carry out is not reduces to the detection of losers and repeaters to put marks and to determine excellent pupils. We will be sorting the tasks that everyone has determined to himself, the tasks that will be commensurate to your abilities and skills, your capabilities. I give – may be so far it is not clear to all, - the basis for development. I give the key positions that can be used to define a lot. I give the spiritual basis that is ultimately important for comprehension in this period. Any knowledge, that do not have the spiritual basis underneath lose its power and transfigure to the profitable business that is disproportionate with the requirements of a Spirit.


Here, we began the conversation about a soul, about a Spirit and the energy structure. I hope, that these messages that I gave will soon become available to many. Having realized all the said before we will be able to move on. We will be able to analyze and compare, we will be able to form the precise notions in the mainstream of the new energies. I wish that you grasp all the spiritual notions so good that you could give definitions fast and profound. As well as when the pupil is asked to give an answer to a lesson, and he through his understanding can give an answer to the question in a clear to himself and others way, in the same way you may understand how much have you realized what was given before. You may define to yourself, how precisely you can answer the questions: what is a soul and Spirit? What are the differences between them? Why does a human comes to this world? What is the goal and meaning of the life? What does a soul take with it after leaving this world? And to many, many other questions that you may define by yourself.


And of course, the main question: what are the first steps that have to be taken for the transfiguration?


Another question follows from this one: to transfiguration of whom or what? And this is a question for you. And what do you understand by the term “transfiguration”?


I ask questions in order to increase the activity of your thinking process, in order to activate a certain zones of the brain and its appendages. My desire – is to synchronize the work of all the centers, especially the higher ones, and then we will talk about the changes that are awaiting human of the future. We will be talking about the changes on the energy structure level.


Teacher Christ


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  • 2 weeks later...

Let’s continue our conversation about the task I gave. If before I gave the tasks and left it for the individual work, now you have an opportunity to share your achievements and revelations. I repeat once again, I wish, that you open the access to your inner knowledge, and it means that the work you are doing should help you with this. Be confident in yourself, in your strength and abilities. You are missing a sufficient concentration of thought and the volumetric visualization. Unfortunately, to see or to imagine something I am asking in volume – is not an easy task for those, who never did it before. But those who have conducted such practices will succeed. And this success will be related to the achievements that will open you the new dimensions of self-discovery. And keep these, even small achievements in yourself as a present for the diligence.


During many years I am configuring you for the work. And may be, many will see my constant repetition of the same things as the importunate. But I know, what I want to achieve. I also know whom I want to convey knowledge. And let those, who are not yet ready, relieve themselves from the judgments, for they do not see the holistic picture. And I cannot convey you all the program of The Creator about the human development yet. I cannot because I do not see the readiness, I do not see the full understanding. And also I do not see the serious enough attitude to the lessons. Believe me, if you moved rhythmically and accurately to the target, then that segment, which is now passed, would have been twice as long. I am talking about the work for the increasing and enlargement of the level of consciousness. I speak with trained people, who can understand me.


And again about the work. So you have in your arsenal of knowledge the names of the charka-centers, its meaning and its connection with the certain organs of a body. If these knowledge in you are diluted so seek to clarify them. We will still be talking about the connection between the pituitary gland, hypothalamus and pineal gland. I will comment your revelations in this sphere. But for now I suggest to continue working in this direction. And oddly enough, we began this work in the other direction - from top to bottom. This, also has its meaning. Continue working with centers or with one of them. Try to learn about the chosen center as much as possible. Try to see, how everything function inside of you. It is important. The work on removing the blocks, to open harmoniously the centers is associated with the expansion of the program of the humanity. Of course, this is a difficult job and it requires efforts. It requires attention, concentration, possibly, the absolute silence and the harmonious tuning. If there is no such condition, there is no result or something that I expect.


I have a possibility to observe and see the changes in you. And it exist and will still be. And I hope that we will manage to accelerate the temp of our movement and to proceed towards the goal. Just do not wait, dear friends, that I will determine many things myself. Now, you can do a lot yourself. I gave the matrixes for the development of consciousness. I gave the complex sentences that has frightened many, but they are easy to those who work, who does their best, who are themselves, without my hint have determined the goal and know what they want to achieve. You have grown up, and now we can communicate on the new level, but not like the teacher with the first class.


You can now understand a lot, including that you can come to the precise visualization of the brain, its inner organization, location of all its parts. You can also open the bars of the soul and conduct a virtual study, asking the soul whether your answer is correct. Attunement will take place during the tuning process. And it means - very gradually. And I will repeat once again: if you cannot manage it – it means, you cannot manage it today. And tomorrow everything can be different. Thus, seek your own achievements. Be confident in yourself! But not selfish. There is a door, and you walk inside of the house and you will surely find it and open. The previous task remains in force, but is more complicated for those who are ready to it. Try to identify the connection between the chakras-centres and parts, organs of a body on the level of sacred geometry.


Teacher Christ


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